Nov 11, 2009

Real People Are More Interesting.

Sorry I haven’t kept up with this lately. Here goes my ever-lame excuse: school. No, I’m not being dramatic about the incredibly massive amount of homework and tests and projects and research papers and quizzes and…well, you get my point. The professors are definitely conspiring against us this semester- Nova students are in agreement.

But, enough about complaining- I spend too much of my life wasted on that when I should be living. So…we have a new project in my Mass Media class (one that I’m actually kind of excited about, should I find the time to complete it : ).

We have to create our own mass medium content (i.e. radio show, TV series, magazine, newspaper, book, etc.) I’m designing a magazine- not quite sure of the name yet, but I’ll give you the rundown. Basically, it’s going to be stories, stories of everyday people living ordinary but interesting lives. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE running into those people that can just captivate you with a good story. Whether it’s about their first love, children, religion, an embarassing moment, whatever- I am going to compile these stories. Oh, and my favorite part- photos. Sort of photo journalism- whether it's raw portraits of the "storyteller" or pictures that depict their story.  I want it to come from an unusual angle- opening the magazine will be like rediscovering the world, and rediscovering the people around you who have so much to contribute but often go unnoticed or unheard.  A definite coffee shop feel, very casual, and genuine.  Yeah, genuine- that's the key here!

Sound like a good idea? Sound kinda cheesy? I’m thinking a combination of them both, but I’m hoping for the best. The way I see it in my mind, it’s gonna be great! But, we all know how that goes sometimes…lol.

So, part of my Thanksgiving Break will be spent shooting photos and capturing stories. It’s fun to see excitement in the mundane, and I am usually very guilty for forgetting that. Maybe this little (well, big) project will help.

If I run into you- no hesitation- you must cooperate fully, or else…I fail. Haha, just kidding. But, hey, it made you want to share, right?

(Oh, and model credit to Morgie up there for being "real" in front of the camera...hope she doesn't mind this one : )


gamegirlfbc said...

I have got to remember to check your blog more often, since it seems I think of you several times a week!!! I love this picture of Morgie and all of the others that you do for everyone. You really capture "that" person! I can't wait to see your finished project!! I, like you, believe that "everyone has a story"...event the grumpy man in the store. If we all took time to listen more, maybe we'd be a more peaceful nation.
Love you and praying!!!

Chelsea said...

So good to see you finally!! I actually didn't end up doing this for my project b/c of time constraints. I was trying to do a little too much in that short amount of time. Instead, I made a cookbook w/ Mom's family recipes. It turned out good- my professor wants me to publish it- lol. I'm thinking Mom wouldn't want me to share all her secrets!!! : ) Thanks for keeping up with me on here- and for all your sweet comments. See you again soon!

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