Nov 5, 2010

Nuggets of Wisdom from "The Best Question Ever"

I just finished reading Andy Stanley's book The Best Question Ever.  It is filled with incredible insight to decision making through one simple question.  I know, I want me to let you in on the secret, but it's worth the read, so I'm keeping my lips sealed : )  In the meantime, here are a few quotes from the book to whet your appetite:

Wise people know when they don't know.  The fool is the person who convinces himself that he knows more than he really knows and doesn't need to ask anybody anything.  At the end of the day, the wise man breathes a sigh of relief; the fool, a sigh of regret.

How do you expect to make a masterpiece of your life if you are unwilling to surrender to the Author of life- the One who knows which textures and colors are best blended for the outcome you desire? 

Every single day we benefit from the way God designed things to work.  Everything we claim to have created in our human endeavors finds its ultimate source in something God created that we simply discovered and manipulated.  Every time we take a breath, we declare our dependency upon submission to the Father physically.  Why then would we hesitate to submit our will? Why are we so afraid to surrender to Him our relationships, our finances, our careers?


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