Well, who would have guessed that the very questions about "purpose" and God's will came up at Eikon last night and have been coming up in my Bible studies ever since I recorded my thoughts a few days ago. God has a funny sense of humor.
But, no lie, I wasn't joking when I titled this post alert the media. I finally got it, directly from the heart of God. I got it. Let me guess, you're asking, "What is it?" (Or maybe I like to pretend that you're just that interested that you're on the edge of your chair as you're reading this blog- hmmm....well, it's an entertaining thought anyway- lol).
Here it goes, IT: This whole life purpose thing isn't about me discovering what I'm supposed to do, but more who I'm supposed to be. It's the shaping and molding in the process that make a clay pot beautiful in the end. You can't just skip the middle and go from clay to a pot! DUH! Sometimes, I think God must be cracking up when He watches me wander around the earth, crying out, "God, show me what to do with my life! I'm so confused. Life is just so hard. How do I do what you call me to do?"
I can just picture Him saying, "If you just do what I say, you wouldn't have to worry so much. I even wrote it all down for you...anything else you need from me?" Haha.
The world isn't happy with God's definition of purpose, because purpose in the world's eyes leads to a desired end. You have "reached your calling" or "discovered your purpose" in life. With God, there is no end to our journey, and we never stop developing. That's why our purpose is constantly evolving. Ultimately, our purpose is to glorify God. So, however He chooses to use us each day fulfills that purpose.
That's right. I have no clue where I will be five years from now or what I will be doing. For the first time, admitting that doesn't make me nervous. I can say it with complete confidence, knowing that Christ has it all figured out and taken care of. Whew- what a load off my shoulders!
Now, I'm back to writing papers and studying for midterms. And I'm gonna give Him the glory for it the whole time and be thankful, because that's what I was created to do. On purpose.
Feb 25, 2010
Feb 23, 2010
Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama came to our school today to speak on compassion and the global community. The UC arena was filled pretty much to its capacity (and there was a morning and an afternoon session). Just wondering...how many people would show up to church each Sunday if they understood that God would meet them there, personally?
I started a Bible study on God's love about a week ago. It is totally revolutionizing the way I see Him.
Anyways, there were some journal questions today that I thought I would share: Do you compare yourself to other women? Do you compare your life and your spirituality to theirs? How does that affect you?
I think those are great questions, and not just for women. Too often, we get caught up in trying to be as good as this person, or at least better than this one...if you know what I mean. I was reminded today that when it comes to spirituality, we aren't designed to shop around and see if someone else's faith will work for us. We can compare all we want, but doing so doesn't normally benefit us in any way. In fact, it can make us feel discouraged, or on the flip side, boastful about how "good we are doing." Neither of those options are in God's plans for us.
There is no one else like me. Never was. Never will be. My spiritual journey holds that same principle. I cannot compare myself with others and expect to be living in all that God has for me. He has a unique and specific purpose for each of us, and if we're so busy trying to be someone else, we can never fully embrace the life we were created to live.
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for us to do.
-Ephesians 2:10
So, today, don't be anybody but you. It's okay to have role models, but realize that Christ is the only one worth idolizing. And if you put your trust and life in His perfect love, you won't be disappointed.
Feb 22, 2010
What in the World Am I Doing?
I know, I know you're probably tired of "hearing" me talk about purpose, but the subject is just so downright fascinating and confusing at the same time.
When I read in the Bible how God ordains all of our days and has them all numbered, it is fascinating. Yet, when I try to discover what I will do next year, after I graduate- even, this summer...my mind just goes a million different directions and nowhere all at once (hence the confusion part). Is this making any sense? Probably not.
I have all these ideas about what God might be calling me to do in my life, but then I get overwhelmed at the thought of making sure that each step I take is in His will. I hear messages about the will of God, read books about the will of God, and try to learn from the Bible. And I just keep coming up short. There are very few times in my life that I can distinctly remember hearing God direct me exactly where to go, and me following in suit.
For the most part, I feel like it's me saying, "Well, this is something that will glorify God, and it looks like that's what I'm supposed to do, so I'll just go with that."
My problem stems from a lack in listening. Seems like whenever I question purpose in life lately, this verse pops into my mind:
"You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life." -John 5:39
It's like I keep trying to find that "perfect Bible verse" that gives me an AHA moment, where I instantly know what Christ is calling me to do. But, I don't think there is one. Please, correct me if I'm wrong- I'm trying to figure this all out. But, I feel like instead of searching the Scriptures and asking person after person, I should just go to Jesus. If I am filled up with His Spirit, then His will eventually becomes my will....right?
It sounds so much easier in writing. When people say, "What are you going to do after college?" or "How did you decide where to go to college?," I explain and immediately realize that I never asked Christ about any of it. What a dangerous position.
Then (oh my- this post just keeps going on and on- feel free to check out if you get bored of this rambling!), I was talking to someone the other day who said, "Either God has you at Nova for a very specific purpose, or you're just there." Hmmm...of course that got me thinking- why am I here? What am I doing? How is Christ using me? Am I still supposed to be here? Am I supposed to be here next year?
And the cycle continues. A cycle of question and worry and doubt and confusion. I know the Bible says, "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything." It's just so stinkin' hard sometimes!
Additionally, Jesus reminds us, "Don't worry about tomorrow." I don't even know if I'll be here tomorrow. But there has to be balance. I have to have some idea about what the future holds and be content with my present.
Balance is one of those words that I struggle with in a major way. Life gets off kilter so easily, yet balance is what we all seek and what Christ desires in our lives. Anyone have any suggestions? : )
One more thought, and then I'll leave you alone- haha. Our "calling" in life is based on our unique gifts and talents. Christ also wants us to enjoy our job and use it to glorify Him. So if we find our gifts and talents, then pursue a career that is headed in that direction, are we in God's will?
When I read in the Bible how God ordains all of our days and has them all numbered, it is fascinating. Yet, when I try to discover what I will do next year, after I graduate- even, this summer...my mind just goes a million different directions and nowhere all at once (hence the confusion part). Is this making any sense? Probably not.
I have all these ideas about what God might be calling me to do in my life, but then I get overwhelmed at the thought of making sure that each step I take is in His will. I hear messages about the will of God, read books about the will of God, and try to learn from the Bible. And I just keep coming up short. There are very few times in my life that I can distinctly remember hearing God direct me exactly where to go, and me following in suit.
For the most part, I feel like it's me saying, "Well, this is something that will glorify God, and it looks like that's what I'm supposed to do, so I'll just go with that."
My problem stems from a lack in listening. Seems like whenever I question purpose in life lately, this verse pops into my mind:
"You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life." -John 5:39
It's like I keep trying to find that "perfect Bible verse" that gives me an AHA moment, where I instantly know what Christ is calling me to do. But, I don't think there is one. Please, correct me if I'm wrong- I'm trying to figure this all out. But, I feel like instead of searching the Scriptures and asking person after person, I should just go to Jesus. If I am filled up with His Spirit, then His will eventually becomes my will....right?
It sounds so much easier in writing. When people say, "What are you going to do after college?" or "How did you decide where to go to college?," I explain and immediately realize that I never asked Christ about any of it. What a dangerous position.
Then (oh my- this post just keeps going on and on- feel free to check out if you get bored of this rambling!), I was talking to someone the other day who said, "Either God has you at Nova for a very specific purpose, or you're just there." Hmmm...of course that got me thinking- why am I here? What am I doing? How is Christ using me? Am I still supposed to be here? Am I supposed to be here next year?
And the cycle continues. A cycle of question and worry and doubt and confusion. I know the Bible says, "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything." It's just so stinkin' hard sometimes!
Additionally, Jesus reminds us, "Don't worry about tomorrow." I don't even know if I'll be here tomorrow. But there has to be balance. I have to have some idea about what the future holds and be content with my present.
Balance is one of those words that I struggle with in a major way. Life gets off kilter so easily, yet balance is what we all seek and what Christ desires in our lives. Anyone have any suggestions? : )
One more thought, and then I'll leave you alone- haha. Our "calling" in life is based on our unique gifts and talents. Christ also wants us to enjoy our job and use it to glorify Him. So if we find our gifts and talents, then pursue a career that is headed in that direction, are we in God's will?
Feb 19, 2010
No Holding Back
It feels so good to be caught up in God's presence again! Every day He continues to refresh my spirit with sweet promises of forgiveness and grace (probably the two most overused and misunderstood terms in Christianity). I've truly been able to breathe in His goodness and unfailing love.
I've been learning so much lately that I feel led to share. Maybe it's something that God needs to remind us every once in a while. I find that the simplest truths are the ones that hit home the most when we really get them. We're just so used to hearing some of these things that we don't take the time to really sit and think about it.
What about the mind of Christ? Yes, if you are a Christian, you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:11-16). That's craziness! Have you ever thought about that? Think about all that Christ did in his few years on earth. And to think that we have His mind....it's unreal. I just couldn't get over that the other day. All day, I just kept saying to myself, "I have the mind of Christ? I have the mind of Christ!" I think it's ironic how much we rely on the advice and approval of others when we have the God of the heavens living inside of us, ready to guide us and direct our paths if we simply ask (1 John 5:14-15, John 5:39-40).
The other thing that's been heavy on my heart is human approval. It's so easy to get caught up in making other people happy, or even avoiding discussing certain topics so it won't be "awkward." Yes, I'll admit it. Sometimes I don't even bring up my faith in my conversations because I'm afraid or because I think from then on, our relationship will be uncomfortable. But does it matter? God has placed in me a new heart that is driven by His love, how could I possibly hold that back from someone? It would be a cruel punishment, to tell you the truth. To think that I have the answer that they've been searching for their whole life, but I choose to keep it to myself. What is that? (2 Timothy 2:15) Why am I so concerned with being socially correct over spiritually obedient?
Imagine one of your friends wandering with you in the desert. One day, you decide to take a walk and discover a pond of life-giving water. And (let's make this magical), if you swim under the water, you can go to a distant land that sustains you forever. Once you make this discovery, you never go back to tell your friend. You leave him or her parched and thristy, dying and gasping for a chance to truly live. But it doesn't matter, because you're happy and you're living the life. Sounds pretty selfish, right?
I can't continue to hold back. God has a purpose for me each day. Each day, there's someone who needs that smile, or that word of encouragement. And there's someone who needs to hear the Gospel. If it's my guess, there's multiple people in a day that need those things. To hold that back from them is not what I was created for. What about you?
I've been learning so much lately that I feel led to share. Maybe it's something that God needs to remind us every once in a while. I find that the simplest truths are the ones that hit home the most when we really get them. We're just so used to hearing some of these things that we don't take the time to really sit and think about it.
What about the mind of Christ? Yes, if you are a Christian, you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:11-16). That's craziness! Have you ever thought about that? Think about all that Christ did in his few years on earth. And to think that we have His mind....it's unreal. I just couldn't get over that the other day. All day, I just kept saying to myself, "I have the mind of Christ? I have the mind of Christ!" I think it's ironic how much we rely on the advice and approval of others when we have the God of the heavens living inside of us, ready to guide us and direct our paths if we simply ask (1 John 5:14-15, John 5:39-40).
The other thing that's been heavy on my heart is human approval. It's so easy to get caught up in making other people happy, or even avoiding discussing certain topics so it won't be "awkward." Yes, I'll admit it. Sometimes I don't even bring up my faith in my conversations because I'm afraid or because I think from then on, our relationship will be uncomfortable. But does it matter? God has placed in me a new heart that is driven by His love, how could I possibly hold that back from someone? It would be a cruel punishment, to tell you the truth. To think that I have the answer that they've been searching for their whole life, but I choose to keep it to myself. What is that? (2 Timothy 2:15) Why am I so concerned with being socially correct over spiritually obedient?
Imagine one of your friends wandering with you in the desert. One day, you decide to take a walk and discover a pond of life-giving water. And (let's make this magical), if you swim under the water, you can go to a distant land that sustains you forever. Once you make this discovery, you never go back to tell your friend. You leave him or her parched and thristy, dying and gasping for a chance to truly live. But it doesn't matter, because you're happy and you're living the life. Sounds pretty selfish, right?
I can't continue to hold back. God has a purpose for me each day. Each day, there's someone who needs that smile, or that word of encouragement. And there's someone who needs to hear the Gospel. If it's my guess, there's multiple people in a day that need those things. To hold that back from them is not what I was created for. What about you?
Head Knowledge versus Heart Application
There is a difference between memorizing Scripture and thinking biblically. There's a difference between having sentences embedded in your head and having their impact embedded in your heart. There is a difference between "doing Christianity" and being a Christian. You can memorize all the words, but if you've forgotten the music you still won't be able to sing the song. -Tim Hansel
Feb 16, 2010
You make me smile like the sun : )
Don't know if you've heard Uncle Kracker's recent release called Smile, but it is one of those songs that you just can't get out of your head once it's there. And I don't mind one bit. Check it out here. It will for sure keep that smile going allll day long.
Feb 15, 2010
Word Play
"Because [advertising] promotes goods, it produces materialism; because it advocates through incomplete truths and deceptions, it creates cynicism. When advertising appeals to mass markets, it promotes conformity; when it appeals to status, it promotes social stratification and class conflict; when it appeals to fear, it promotes anxiety; when it appeals to newness, it creates disrespect for authority; when it appeals to youth, it undermines the family; and when it appeals to sexuality, it creates erotic obsession and dysfunction. Because it appeals to the individual, it makes people selfish; because it must be simple and easily understandable, it deals in social stereotypes and debases language. Because advertising is emphatic and repetitively insistent, it promotes regression and irrationality, putting consumers into a hypnoid trance that leads to compulsive consumption, inability to defer gratification and disregard of future consequences; at the same time, because it idealizes 'the good life,' it creates perpetual dissatisfaction and feelings of lack." (Robert Fink, musicologist)
Take out the word "advertising" and replace it with "the Devil." Take out "it" and replace with "he." Wow.
Take out the word "advertising" and replace it with "the Devil." Take out "it" and replace with "he." Wow.
Feb 14, 2010
Open Letter to Mr. Right
I guess I should start this one off by saying Happy Valentine's Day! Although many singles find this day somewhat depressing, I have to admit, it's been a pretty amazing day for me. God showed up big time this morning during my devotional - just to remind me that He is the ultimate valentine (and since you're a huge fan of His, I know you won't be jealous if I say that ; ).
I guess what struck me most was Psalm 139. That's one of my favorite scripture passages. I almost committed it to memory last summer, but stopped a few verses short. I should pick that up again. Anyways, it reminded me that God knows every single little detail about me. The number of hairs on my head. The sort of mistakes I will make before I make them. Every word that I say. Every thought that I think. EVERYTHING! Yep, more than you, Sweet Pea. AND HE STILL LOVES ME. Crazy, huh? (Now is the time where you say- "No, He's not crazy- how could someone not love you?" Bahahaha- just kidding. Sometimes I just crack myself up).
I'm just so pumped these past few days because what God spoke to me about in my devotional (here) a few weeks ago has come to pass. I have a new heart that is embracing God in a way I've never known before.
It's neat to think (on this day that everybody is celebrating love) what you're doing. Maybe you're like me and kept it low key. A good lunch with friends. A walk through the art museum. Leftovers for dinner. And blogging/music jam session at night. I kinda doubt it though. You know that old saying, "Opposites attract." I have a feeling that you'll be much more outgoing and spontaneous than I am, which is good because then we would balance out.
I am the more serious and focused one and you're the one that everyone loves- lol.
Well, I think I've rambled on enough now. Happy Valentine's Day, love.
Praying for you and thinking of you until we meet,
I guess what struck me most was Psalm 139. That's one of my favorite scripture passages. I almost committed it to memory last summer, but stopped a few verses short. I should pick that up again. Anyways, it reminded me that God knows every single little detail about me. The number of hairs on my head. The sort of mistakes I will make before I make them. Every word that I say. Every thought that I think. EVERYTHING! Yep, more than you, Sweet Pea. AND HE STILL LOVES ME. Crazy, huh? (Now is the time where you say- "No, He's not crazy- how could someone not love you?" Bahahaha- just kidding. Sometimes I just crack myself up).
I'm just so pumped these past few days because what God spoke to me about in my devotional (here) a few weeks ago has come to pass. I have a new heart that is embracing God in a way I've never known before.
It's neat to think (on this day that everybody is celebrating love) what you're doing. Maybe you're like me and kept it low key. A good lunch with friends. A walk through the art museum. Leftovers for dinner. And blogging/music jam session at night. I kinda doubt it though. You know that old saying, "Opposites attract." I have a feeling that you'll be much more outgoing and spontaneous than I am, which is good because then we would balance out.
I am the more serious and focused one and you're the one that everyone loves- lol.
Well, I think I've rambled on enough now. Happy Valentine's Day, love.
Praying for you and thinking of you until we meet,
Feb 10, 2010
Makes Me Smile All Over My Face
Check out this site: http://sarahkchen.net/?p=701
I absolutely love the simplicity and "funness" (just made that a word ; ) of this wedding. The photographs are beautiful, especially the ones taken in Union Station. It just makes me smile all over my face!
I absolutely love the simplicity and "funness" (just made that a word ; ) of this wedding. The photographs are beautiful, especially the ones taken in Union Station. It just makes me smile all over my face!
Brain Dump
Just got out of Eikon (Wednesday night college group at Calvary Chapel). This service was designed just for me. From the music to the message to the closing remarks, God had me there for a very specific purpose. He reminded me that His love never fails. He reminded me that His plans are the best plans, and that He "works all things together for the good of those who love Him."
Right now, I'm struggling with a tough decision (well I'm done struggling, I've already made the choice). I know Christ led me to do the right thing, but dealing with the repercussions of my decision might entail lonely and painful nights.
That's because I put a relationship in place of where only Christ is supposed to reside. My security and trust was resting in someone else who made me happy and gave me company. It was a sin that I was blind to until it was brought to my attention by my parents.
I'm not sure how it will all work out, and I know there will be more tears shed. I shouldn't do what God calls me to do because of legality's sake. I should do it out of a humble heart of surrender, knowing that He wants even more for me than I want for myself.
I tend to forget that. It's not about the act of "doing," but my heart's condition while doing what I am called to do. Grudgingly giving up things or relationships or anything else to God doesn't really make a difference. In fact, He would rather not have it at all.
Here's a good example. You know when you ask someone if they want to go see a certain movie, but they really don't want to see it (and they hint at the fact that they don't). But you really want to see this movie- I mean, this is the best movie out there right now. After a long struggle, they say, "Ugh. I guess I'll go see it. I mean, if it's really what you want. If you really want me to be temporarily bored and minutely upset with you, then fine. Let's go see it." Hmmmm....do you still want to go see the movie? Probably not, because you know their heart, and it's not going to give you any joy to force them to join in with you. It won't benefit them at all if they go in with that kind of attitude.
It's the same with our life. Christ calls us to surrender EVERYTHING, but we shouldn't do it out of the feeling that we have to, but rather that we want to. We want to please Him. If it makes Him happy, we know we will be on a better track.
There's a lot of other things that have been racing through this brain of mine lately, and should I find the time to remember them all, I'll be sure to share with you. This journey is a whole lot better if we do it together.
Right now, I'm struggling with a tough decision (well I'm done struggling, I've already made the choice). I know Christ led me to do the right thing, but dealing with the repercussions of my decision might entail lonely and painful nights.
That's because I put a relationship in place of where only Christ is supposed to reside. My security and trust was resting in someone else who made me happy and gave me company. It was a sin that I was blind to until it was brought to my attention by my parents.
I'm not sure how it will all work out, and I know there will be more tears shed. I shouldn't do what God calls me to do because of legality's sake. I should do it out of a humble heart of surrender, knowing that He wants even more for me than I want for myself.
I tend to forget that. It's not about the act of "doing," but my heart's condition while doing what I am called to do. Grudgingly giving up things or relationships or anything else to God doesn't really make a difference. In fact, He would rather not have it at all.
Here's a good example. You know when you ask someone if they want to go see a certain movie, but they really don't want to see it (and they hint at the fact that they don't). But you really want to see this movie- I mean, this is the best movie out there right now. After a long struggle, they say, "Ugh. I guess I'll go see it. I mean, if it's really what you want. If you really want me to be temporarily bored and minutely upset with you, then fine. Let's go see it." Hmmmm....do you still want to go see the movie? Probably not, because you know their heart, and it's not going to give you any joy to force them to join in with you. It won't benefit them at all if they go in with that kind of attitude.
It's the same with our life. Christ calls us to surrender EVERYTHING, but we shouldn't do it out of the feeling that we have to, but rather that we want to. We want to please Him. If it makes Him happy, we know we will be on a better track.
There's a lot of other things that have been racing through this brain of mine lately, and should I find the time to remember them all, I'll be sure to share with you. This journey is a whole lot better if we do it together.
Feb 3, 2010
Journaling, anyone?
Don't know if you've heard of an amazing journaling technique- art journaling. It's also called mixed media journaling. Whatever it's called isn't the point, though. How amazing are these journals?! Ever since I've run across the idea, I can't help but wish I could be creative enough to do one (and have the oodles of supplies necessary to complete such a project). But how neat would it be to record your day-to-day thoughts in this kind of format? These are absolutely stunning.
Feb 2, 2010
Aren't These the Greatest?
Good reminders. Neat blog: http://www.thingsweforget.blogspot.com/
(I'm thinking the first one was written just for me ; )
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