WOW…the Charlie Hall concert was amazing! His musical style is so refreshing and different. His message of the night focused on coming to God, just as we are- broken, sinful, burnt out, disheveled, whatever it is- and resting in Him. Charlie said that the great thing about God is that we can let our guard down and take off our masks…we can just be us, accepted and loved by the Almighty One. He reminded me that even when the world around me is shifting and things feel like they aren't how they should be, if we sing or say the truths God has spoken to us, everything kind of lines up again. It's so true. When life gets crazy or a certain situation doesn't go our way, we have two options: sit around and throw a pity party or lean on Christ, knowing that "He works all things together for the good of those that love Him."
The part that spoke to me the most was probably the chorus from "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." Not a new song, by any means, but…what a reminder! If we just keep looking at Him, "the things of this world will grow strangely dim." The things that once mattered, don't anymore. The shame and guilt? Gone. The economy? We're not worried. As long as we're looking to Him, it's all good. I needed to hear that.
"Whatever your goals, whatever your dreams are- that is Christ moving through you. He's helping you." What he said reminded me of my last post. The goals I'm striving towards, the dreams that have been planted in my heart- if they are God's will for my life, then I should pursue them with excellence, knowing that He will do whatever He needs to do in me and through me. I must keep Him first, nonetheless, but it's not bad to strive towards career or college goals.
So, it was a great night. I worshipped and adored. Learned and listened. Sang truth and received it. Not to mention, the night was topped off with dinner and dessert downtown at Mango's with my Dad and Mr. Steve. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard around 3:00 that they were headed down for the concert, and to see me, of course!
It's a beautiful thing when God realigns my heart with His. The road becomes a little clearer, and my heart a whole lot lighter. Knowing that I am loved and accepted by my God…that never gets old!
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