Sep 29, 2009
The Big 2-0!
"So, do you feel any different?" That's the typical birthday question. And my typical birthday answer… "No, not really."
I didn't think turning 20 would be that big of a deal for me, but somehow it has struck a chord. It feels like I'm entering into an entire new chapter in my life. I'm no longer a teenager; and, while some would be happy about that fact, I'm wrestling with it. No longer a teenager??? Not cool. Lol.
On another note, it has given me time to reflect on my life so far. God has been so faithful to continually pursue me and remind me of His love, since I was just a little kid. I am constantly amazed when I look back and see His hand guiding and directing every step in my life, even if at the time, I thought I was the one in charge. Twenty years seems like a long time to me, but others I talk to say, "Just wait until 30, 40, 50, 60…you get my point." The past few years, it seems like time has flown, and I often forget to "stop and smell the roses" in the middle of a hectic time.
I guess what I have to say is that I'm happy. Everything's not perfect, don't get me wrong. I have a long way to go and there are still many things I want to do before I leave this earth. But, I am blessed with an amazing family, wonderful friends, and a life that I often take for granted. My birthday reminds me that each year offers room for improvement. It's a time for me to stop and appreciate the years, but also press on to seek after what God has in store for me….which will probably be another post soon.
Anyways, I thought it would be neat if you all left me a comment with some advice you have for me- about life, love, God, birthdays, faith - anything you feel is most important to know as a 20 year old embarking on this new decade. I would love to hear what you've got…it sure would make my birthday extra special : ).
Sep 22, 2009
You know those times when you just want a hug and there's no one there to give it to you? Yep, now would be one. I can't wait to go home this weekend- school is definitely stressing me out.
Sep 19, 2009
My Brightness
The theme song for my life right now (since I love music so much and new songs will probably change my mind : )...check it out HERE!
Accepted and Loved
"Whatever your goals, whatever your dreams are- that is Christ moving through you. He's helping you." What he said reminded me of my last post. The goals I'm striving towards, the dreams that have been planted in my heart- if they are God's will for my life, then I should pursue them with excellence, knowing that He will do whatever He needs to do in me and through me. I must keep Him first, nonetheless, but it's not bad to strive towards career or college goals.
So, it was a great night. I worshipped and adored. Learned and listened. Sang truth and received it. Not to mention, the night was topped off with dinner and dessert downtown at Mango's with my Dad and Mr. Steve. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard around 3:00 that they were headed down for the concert, and to see me, of course!
It's a beautiful thing when God realigns my heart with His. The road becomes a little clearer, and my heart a whole lot lighter. Knowing that I am loved and accepted by my God…that never gets old!
Sep 9, 2009
What do you want to do with your life?
My first assignment for Mass Media class: Create your personal mission/vision statement about what you want to do and how you will get there. Due next week. Easy enough- that's something people always ask. It's more like a life plan than a personal statement. For inspiration, I began "Googling" personal mission statements and was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I ran across a website, Franklin Covey (, where I built my own statement in a matter of 15 minutes or so. It wasn't the kind of statement the professor asked for, so this was just some exploratory research of my own : ). Going through the open-ended sentences and questions really made me reflect on my life and my goals.
Last night in Principles of Public Relations, a guest speaker discussed the importance of plans (strategic, business, communication, annual, etc….too many to discuss!). She said plans are basically a statement of "How can we measure success? What do we want to do, and how will we know when we have achieved those goals?" And since I'm a weird college student, I began taking the lecture personally. How do I measure success? What am I doing each day to contribute to my ultimate goal? What is my ultimate goal? I mean, I am so used to answering the question, "What do you want to do?" that I forget that there's so much more to that than a simple profession. When I answered the questions she asked, I thought- there's gotta be more. I can't dilute my whole life down to a profession and the means to get there. That's not what I want. My ultimate goal is to reach as many people for Christ, however He chooses to use me, all the while giving Him the glory so that He can become more and I can become less. I want my time here on earth to positively impact the lives of others, leaving a lasting legacy that is more than a laundry list of my accomplishments as a student or professional. Is that it? If you were to look at my day to day life right now, yes- that's trying to create a laundry list of accomplishments to check off as I go. The actions I am taking today seem to say that my ultimate goal in life is to become the best communications professional I can be by studying trends, gaining knowledge, and networking with others who are like-minded (not a bad thing in and of itself, but it is when it's higher on the priority list than Christ).
Is what I'm doing day to day contributing to my success, as I define it? No, no, and no. Since I have been at Nova this year, I have not reached out to one person regarding my Christianity. I have not gone out of my way to serve those less fortunate, in an effort to demonstrate the love of Christ. I have not made an intense effort to be totally absorbed in God's Word, more so than my class studies. Yes, I have been reading and studying for hours on end, but only for my classes- to get good grades and learn about the profession. So I have to ask, is this it? Is this really what I want to do with my life? I know the answer deep down, but living that conviction out every day is much harder than you think.
What about you? Is this it? Are you living each day to achieve that ultimate goal you have set for yourself? I would love to hear input. You can even shoot me an email with your Mission Statement from the website I mentioned earlier. Who knows…you could be my newest inspiration : ).
Sep 2, 2009
Mmm, Mmm, Good!
So, if you haven't indulged yourself with Starbuck's seasonal latte, now is definitely the time to do so! Let's just say the Pumpkin Spice Latte is about the most amazing drink ever created! Haha- and I don't even like pumpkin that much. I just had to get that word out- these drinks will seriously rock your world! (Message not sponsored by Starbucks, subject to taste tester's personal opinions and likes. Blogger not responsible for unhappy customers or dissatisfied indulgers. Results may vary : ).
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