I worshipped....
my job.
Not God.
He wasn't first.
He was on a shelf and He belongs on a throne.
I know that in my heart, but it doesn't translate in my life.
I blame myself.
I feel guilty, I feel human.
I feel guilty that I'm human.
I can't do it on my own. I can't will it on my own.
I can't do it on my own.
How long will it take for surrender?
Why is it so hard for me to understand?
I want it. I do.
But I don't get it.
What did you worship today?
Jan 31, 2010
Jan 30, 2010
Open Letter to Mr. Right
Days fade in and out, and time moves on. Yet, you’re always in the back of my mind.
Where will I meet you? Perhaps I’ve already met you. What will you look like? What are your passions? What are your fears? Your goals, your dreams?
I can’t wait to see what an amazing love story God will unfold for us. The hard thing is keeping Him as our number one, even when we meet and fall crazy in love for each other.
Things have been really weird for me lately. I’ve been kind of on a journey to “re-discovering” what I believe and why I believe it. College has taught me not to accept all the facts presented at face value. I’m learning to own up to my faith instead of just believing it because that’s what I’m supposed to do.
Wonder what God’s teaching you now. I pray that He is growing you into a man after His own heart that will be an amazing leader in our relationship. I think He gives us young adults this waiting period to mold us like never before. This is a time in life where transformation is frequent and new opportunities abound. We can focus on building a relationship that will truly last for eternity, our relationship with Christ. Being free from a dating relationship has given me time to reconsider my priorities and get back on track.
Well, I don’t know. I was just thinking about you and wanted to let you know.
Can’t wait to meet, my love.
Where will I meet you? Perhaps I’ve already met you. What will you look like? What are your passions? What are your fears? Your goals, your dreams?
I can’t wait to see what an amazing love story God will unfold for us. The hard thing is keeping Him as our number one, even when we meet and fall crazy in love for each other.
Things have been really weird for me lately. I’ve been kind of on a journey to “re-discovering” what I believe and why I believe it. College has taught me not to accept all the facts presented at face value. I’m learning to own up to my faith instead of just believing it because that’s what I’m supposed to do.
Wonder what God’s teaching you now. I pray that He is growing you into a man after His own heart that will be an amazing leader in our relationship. I think He gives us young adults this waiting period to mold us like never before. This is a time in life where transformation is frequent and new opportunities abound. We can focus on building a relationship that will truly last for eternity, our relationship with Christ. Being free from a dating relationship has given me time to reconsider my priorities and get back on track.
Well, I don’t know. I was just thinking about you and wanted to let you know.
Can’t wait to meet, my love.
Jan 29, 2010
Come, my wayward daughter.
The other night I opened my Bible to Jeremiah 29:11. I was praying about purpose and God’s will and getting back on track, so I thought that was the perfect place to turn. I read the verse and just kept reading through the book, discovering little nuggets of encouragement.
My absolute favorite discovery of the night was Jeremiah 31:18-22.
18 I have heard Israel saying,
‘You disciplined me severely,
like a calf that needs training for the yoke.
Turn me again to you and restore me,
for you alone are the LORD my God.
19 I turned away from God,
but then I was sorry.
I kicked myself for my stupidity!
I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in my younger days.’
20 “Is not Israel still my son,
my darling child?” says the LORD.
“I often have to punish him,
but I still love him.
That’s why I long for him
and surely will have mercy on him.
21 Set up road signs;
put up guideposts.
Mark well the path
by which you came.
Come back again, my virgin Israel;
return to your towns here.
22 How long will you wander,
my wayward daughter?
For the LORD will cause something new to happen—
Israel will embrace her God.[b]”
My heart couldn’t contain my joy. It described perfectly my recent journey back to my Father’s heart. I had turned from God and was discouraged when I saw how far I’d departed. I asked for restoration and reminded myself that He should be my only God.
And then God…and then God shows up in a big way and reminds me that He still loves me. He still longs for me. He will have mercy on me. He asks me to “come back” and return to what I know is the only way. I love how He says, “Come back, my virgin Israel.” I think virgin was there on purpose. Israel had been wondering and pursuing other gods, yet He still identifies the nation as “virgin,” or pure. How awesome that God sees us like that even when we’ve totally screwed up.
But this has got to be the best part, “How long will you wander, my wayward daughter? I will cause something new to happen- Israel will embrace her God.”
OH MY GOODNESS! I don’t know why this verse has spoken to me so much. I guess it’s cause I just got stuck in a rut and I felt like the same things were happening over and over and no matter how hard I tried I just kept going the wrong direction. YET, God offers promise for my future, well promise for my now. “I will cause something new to happen- [Chelsea] will embrace her God.”
I think the thing is that HE will cause something new to happen. I can’t force something to happen that God doesn’t will. I’ve been trying to do it on my own, and you just can’t have a relationship with someone when it’s one-sided.
“[Chelsea] will embrace her God.” I felt a little bold replacing Israel with my own name, but God was speaking right at me, saying, “Yeah, you messed up. You left me for other gods. You abandoned the very faith that used to be your stronghold. But, there is hope, Chelsea. There is hope, my daughter. Things are going to start happening. I’m gonna change your heart. And soon enough, you’re gonna embrace me instead of run from me.”
And ever since that night a few days ago, I’ve struggled, as everyone does with keeping God first, above everything else. And every time I hear that voice in my head when I contemplate and wonder why I would even bother trying so hard… “Come, my wayward daughter. It’s time, time to embrace your God.”
Isn’t He the best?
My absolute favorite discovery of the night was Jeremiah 31:18-22.
18 I have heard Israel saying,
‘You disciplined me severely,
like a calf that needs training for the yoke.
Turn me again to you and restore me,
for you alone are the LORD my God.
19 I turned away from God,
but then I was sorry.
I kicked myself for my stupidity!
I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in my younger days.’
20 “Is not Israel still my son,
my darling child?” says the LORD.
“I often have to punish him,
but I still love him.
That’s why I long for him
and surely will have mercy on him.
21 Set up road signs;
put up guideposts.
Mark well the path
by which you came.
Come back again, my virgin Israel;
return to your towns here.
22 How long will you wander,
my wayward daughter?
For the LORD will cause something new to happen—
Israel will embrace her God.[b]”
My heart couldn’t contain my joy. It described perfectly my recent journey back to my Father’s heart. I had turned from God and was discouraged when I saw how far I’d departed. I asked for restoration and reminded myself that He should be my only God.
And then God…and then God shows up in a big way and reminds me that He still loves me. He still longs for me. He will have mercy on me. He asks me to “come back” and return to what I know is the only way. I love how He says, “Come back, my virgin Israel.” I think virgin was there on purpose. Israel had been wondering and pursuing other gods, yet He still identifies the nation as “virgin,” or pure. How awesome that God sees us like that even when we’ve totally screwed up.
But this has got to be the best part, “How long will you wander, my wayward daughter? I will cause something new to happen- Israel will embrace her God.”
OH MY GOODNESS! I don’t know why this verse has spoken to me so much. I guess it’s cause I just got stuck in a rut and I felt like the same things were happening over and over and no matter how hard I tried I just kept going the wrong direction. YET, God offers promise for my future, well promise for my now. “I will cause something new to happen- [Chelsea] will embrace her God.”
I think the thing is that HE will cause something new to happen. I can’t force something to happen that God doesn’t will. I’ve been trying to do it on my own, and you just can’t have a relationship with someone when it’s one-sided.
“[Chelsea] will embrace her God.” I felt a little bold replacing Israel with my own name, but God was speaking right at me, saying, “Yeah, you messed up. You left me for other gods. You abandoned the very faith that used to be your stronghold. But, there is hope, Chelsea. There is hope, my daughter. Things are going to start happening. I’m gonna change your heart. And soon enough, you’re gonna embrace me instead of run from me.”
And ever since that night a few days ago, I’ve struggled, as everyone does with keeping God first, above everything else. And every time I hear that voice in my head when I contemplate and wonder why I would even bother trying so hard… “Come, my wayward daughter. It’s time, time to embrace your God.”
Isn’t He the best?
Jan 25, 2010
Jan 24, 2010
American culture values youth. From wrinkle creams, to Botox, to plastic surgery and magazine covers, you can tell our society places a high value on keeping that “youthful glow” that everyone talks about.
What irritates me is that people are so focused on looking younger that they forget that being older isn’t a curse, but a blessing! How many people can say they’ve lived 60, 70, 80 years of life and have experience and knowledge to pass onto others who have yet to travel down those roads? Our culture is missing the most important piece of the puzzle- the older generation. They’re the ones we should be looking up to.
Let’s not devalue the elderly because they don’t fit the stereotype for the “ideal citizen.” Let’s recognize their strengths and learn from their lives. Most importantly, let’s appreciate the contributions they have made to society and continue to make.
Who knows if that smile of yours could brighten up their lonely day. Or maybe God’s calling you to spend some time with that neighbor across the street. What if you gave an elderly individual the time of day to really have a conversation with you, instead of simply exchanging cordial greetings?
It’s time for a little more respect, wouldn’t you agree?
What irritates me is that people are so focused on looking younger that they forget that being older isn’t a curse, but a blessing! How many people can say they’ve lived 60, 70, 80 years of life and have experience and knowledge to pass onto others who have yet to travel down those roads? Our culture is missing the most important piece of the puzzle- the older generation. They’re the ones we should be looking up to.
- “Never speak harshly to an older man, but appeal to him respectfully as you would your own father.” -1 Timothy 5:1
- “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life.” -Proverbs 16:31
Let’s not devalue the elderly because they don’t fit the stereotype for the “ideal citizen.” Let’s recognize their strengths and learn from their lives. Most importantly, let’s appreciate the contributions they have made to society and continue to make.
Who knows if that smile of yours could brighten up their lonely day. Or maybe God’s calling you to spend some time with that neighbor across the street. What if you gave an elderly individual the time of day to really have a conversation with you, instead of simply exchanging cordial greetings?
It’s time for a little more respect, wouldn’t you agree?
I used to think the sun was evil...
A lot of things have been happening lately. Besides the start of the new semester and adjusting to a schedule change, I’ve also come out of the dark so to speak.
I’m gonna go off on a tangent (I know what you’re thinking- already? lol), but it will all make sense in the end, so bear with me. Hopefully you’ve seen the movie Benchwarmers because you will understand where I’m coming from with this. An awkward yet hilarious character by the name of Howie is depicted throughout the entire movie as being 1.) afraid of the sun (natural light) and 2.) afraid of most people.
Now, I can relate to the first one, but not so much the second. These past few months I’ve been afraid of the Light. It was like I enjoyed not caring about my relationship with Christ, even though I knew that’s what was making me miserable. I searched, yet I rejected truth that I found. I read, but felt no need to take heart or apply what I was reading. It was a constant battle. I knew what I should be doing, but for some reason, I didn’t want to do it. I was happy being unhappy, which was REALLY weird for me, because I’m not normally like that…I’m sure most of you know that.
Anyway, I was afraid to go back to the Light. I guess I was more ashamed or embarrassed that if I did, He wouldn’t want me. It was like if I did run to Him, I would be “giving up” or “giving in” because I wasn’t strong enough on my own.
Gradually, as I began to realize that I obviously couldn’t live this life on my own, I began seeking His face once again in little ways. Maybe a Christian book here. A prayer there. Some scripture if I felt like it. Nothing hard core, to say the least. And, I’m still not back to where I want to be, where I used to be. You know that old saying, “If you’re not moving forward, you’re sliding backwards.”? I figured (in this period of darkness) that if I wasn’t moving forward, I would just stay in my place. WRONG.
Praise God for mercy and grace, for everlasting love that sees past my stupidity and embraces my potential. I am forever indebted to my wonderful Savior who took my life and once again reminded me of redemption, a gift so sweet that each time it really sinks in, I can hardly believe it myself.
In Howie’s words, “I used to think the sun was evil, but now I know it’s not.” : )
I’m gonna go off on a tangent (I know what you’re thinking- already? lol), but it will all make sense in the end, so bear with me. Hopefully you’ve seen the movie Benchwarmers because you will understand where I’m coming from with this. An awkward yet hilarious character by the name of Howie is depicted throughout the entire movie as being 1.) afraid of the sun (natural light) and 2.) afraid of most people.
Now, I can relate to the first one, but not so much the second. These past few months I’ve been afraid of the Light. It was like I enjoyed not caring about my relationship with Christ, even though I knew that’s what was making me miserable. I searched, yet I rejected truth that I found. I read, but felt no need to take heart or apply what I was reading. It was a constant battle. I knew what I should be doing, but for some reason, I didn’t want to do it. I was happy being unhappy, which was REALLY weird for me, because I’m not normally like that…I’m sure most of you know that.
Anyway, I was afraid to go back to the Light. I guess I was more ashamed or embarrassed that if I did, He wouldn’t want me. It was like if I did run to Him, I would be “giving up” or “giving in” because I wasn’t strong enough on my own.
Gradually, as I began to realize that I obviously couldn’t live this life on my own, I began seeking His face once again in little ways. Maybe a Christian book here. A prayer there. Some scripture if I felt like it. Nothing hard core, to say the least. And, I’m still not back to where I want to be, where I used to be. You know that old saying, “If you’re not moving forward, you’re sliding backwards.”? I figured (in this period of darkness) that if I wasn’t moving forward, I would just stay in my place. WRONG.
Praise God for mercy and grace, for everlasting love that sees past my stupidity and embraces my potential. I am forever indebted to my wonderful Savior who took my life and once again reminded me of redemption, a gift so sweet that each time it really sinks in, I can hardly believe it myself.
In Howie’s words, “I used to think the sun was evil, but now I know it’s not.” : )
Jan 23, 2010
Inspiration: Tim Walker
Stumbled across this incredible fashion photographer and can't get enough of his images! They're so unpredictable and magical. Keeps you thinking and dreaming about what could be and the amazing possibilites if you let your creativity run loose. A true breath of fresh air. Hope you enjoy his images as much as I do : )
Jan 11, 2010
oops...one more thing.
I saw this note when I opened the coffee cabinet and had to snap a picture. I love my parent's love. They make each other so happy. I hope one day I will find someone like my Daddy, who leaves me sweet notes and never fails to remind me how much he loves me. But unlike my mom jokingly said the other day- he will never be replaced : )
Wrapping Up the Holidays (no pun intended : )
Another Christmas has come and gone. Seems like the season flew and my break from school is now over. *sigh* Yet, there’s something exciting about a new year beginning. No matter how many “new years” I go through, I think it will always have that feeling of possibility, of change, of difference. People are busy making resolutions and sticking to them. Me? I have no resolutions in particular. I have general goals that I want to keep my focus on this year. First, stop looking behind and ahead, instead look around and take in the moment. Second, don’t let the image in the mirror become more important than the condition of my heart. Third, make sure everyone I love, knows it. They seem simple in writing, but as always, in practice is the true test. Words are empty promises left unfulfilled unless someone decides to take action and breathe them into life. I hope I will be able to do just that.
So, although I just said I would stop looking behind, I’m reflecting on Christmas break this year. I didn’t mean that I could never look back, I just mean that instead of looking back regretfully or wishfully, that I appreciate the moments and lessons and enjoy what’s going on now. The past is the past.
Anyway, here are a few photos that sum up my short month (minus one week in Killington, Vermont) home.

So, although I just said I would stop looking behind, I’m reflecting on Christmas break this year. I didn’t mean that I could never look back, I just mean that instead of looking back regretfully or wishfully, that I appreciate the moments and lessons and enjoy what’s going on now. The past is the past.
Anyway, here are a few photos that sum up my short month (minus one week in Killington, Vermont) home.
Enjoyed some smokin' hot chicken soup topped with melted cheey deliciousness : )
oh...and cornbread- how could I forget the cornbread?!
Then, we celebrated my brother's big 22nd birthday.

Enjoyed the Christmas Music Special (don't really know if that's what it was called) at the Lake Placid Conference Center. The kids had me smiling from ear to ear, but the drummer from Caleb's Cadence was my favorite- I have a picture of him right.....oh, here it is!
(I did NOT practice on Photoshop at all this Christmas break ; )
Christmas goodies: YUM.
Coconut macaroons- not a huge fan of coconut, but they looked like so much fun to make, so I had to!
Taking lessons from the pro in the kitchen (the lady up there with the pretty smile : )
Preparing for the toss.
Here it is...testing to see if the noodles are done. If they stick to the cabinet, they are. I'm still wondering if someone just came up with this because it's way more fun than timing or tasting them!
Pots 'a cookin' for Grandma's Bacon and Spaghetti Recipe
and contemplating...
and decorating...
and decorating....definitely puts me in the spirit!
The last picture is one of my favorites.
Of course, I couldn't forget to set aside some time this Christmas Break to goof off with Darby!
Acting like 5 year olds- so excited about sledding on the "test track."
Enjoying the beautiful scenery of Killington (and the freezing cold... -15!)
Quite possibly one of the best restaruants I've eaten at- called The Garlic.
This is one of the best Christmas breaks I've ever had. Now that I'm older I pay so much more attention to the little moments and the people around me instead of the big presents or the elaborate parties. Like my dad said the other day, "The older I get the more I realize it doesn't really matter where I am, just who I'm with." Couldn't have said it better myself. I cherish time with my family more and more each moment.
Leaving to come back to Ft. Lauderdale was so hard this time. I had a huge knot in my stomach like the first time that I moved away to college. I guess when I leave, I just think about the time I will miss spending with the amazing people I get to call my family...like I might not be a part of one of those moments where you look around and realize that life is good with them by your side. God has truly blessed me, and I don't think any words could convey just how lucky I feel.
So....to sum it up, my break consisted of laughing, cooking, snow skiing, reading (Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom- you sooooo have to check it out), shopping, decorating, wrapping, smiling, vegging (is that a word?), roasting marshmallows, seeing friends, and watching movies. Who could ask for more?
Now...time to clean up from the holidays- the blog needs a new look. Not tonight though, I gotta get in bed early for my long day of classes tomorrow (10:45-12:00, 1:00-4:00, 6:00-10:00- AHHHH!). What is that saying my mom uses? "This too shall pass." Haha- good night, blogland. Hello, sweet dreams : )
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