Mar 29, 2010

My Somewhat Embarrassing Post ; )

It's true.  God's promise is true- if you seek me with all your heart, you will find Me.  I've found Him and I love Him so much more each day.

I'm so thankful that God cares enough to correct me and to show me the right way to live.  It's the only way I'll ever be fulfilled- He's the only One who can make me truly happy.  I've seen the evidence in my life, and it's amazing!

Now, anyone who's known me for a while probably has a good understanding that it's impossible for me to swallow pills.  Everytime I get a headache, it's straight to the BC powder for me, baby!  If I have a cold, liquid DayQuil and NyQuil are my best buds.  Well, lately I've been getting headaches, but my BC Powder doesn't seem to work anymore : (  On a whim, I thought, you know what?!  I'm going to try those extra strength Tylenol I got in a first aid kit for college.  You're probably laughing hysterically right now at how dramatic I'm making this seem, but this is a big deal for me-lol.  So, I got the Tylenol out and I prayed that God would help me and heal me.  Guess what slid right down?  Pill #1.  Pill #2 I had some trouble with, but as soon as I focused on Christ again, that medicine had no chance!  It just goes to show that God does care about every little detail in our lives.  Is there something you're struggling with trusting God today?  Just as He has proven Himself faithful over and over in the small things, He's ready for us to move onto "big girl pills."  The harder it is for us, the more room He has to work, and the more praise we get to give. 

A few hours after my "big girl medicine" experience, I just kept thinking how great the God is that we serve.  He deserves so much more than I usually offer.  May our actions reflect our love for Him today.

Mar 24, 2010

Photography Class: Space and Place

Mar 23, 2010

Battling It Out

Well, friends, it's been a while since my last post.  Sorry about that.  As the semester goes on, things just continue to get busier and busier, but that's no excuse!  Hope you find yourselves wrapped tighter and tighter in God's arms as you continue throughout your days.

So, what have I been learning lately?  God's really been speaking to me about the power of prayer.  It's a lost art, if I might say so.  The most incredible tool for Christians, and we rely on it almost as a backup instead of a natural instinct to fight our battles (or at least I do).  I've been reading stories about Christians who made radical decisions to commit themselves to prayer, constantly.  It's incredible to read of how life-changing that decision was and to also to see the effects of such a decision.  If God's people commit themselves to prayer, He will move like never before.  But, we have to take it seriously.  It reminds me of a verse that I learned at Student Leadership University a while back.  Dr. Richard Land spoke and reminded us, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14).  Sometimes I believe we give up.  We look around at what is happening and think that the world is beyond hope, but it isn't.  Letting the world wear us down and discourage us is a plot of the devil.  No one is beyond hope and no dream is too big if you're dreaming God's dreams.  He wants us to believe impossible things.  He wants to accomplish impossible things in and through us.

Speaking of impossible things, has anyone seen the new Alice in Wonderland film?  My friend, Stacy, came down from Georgia this weekend and we made a trip to the IMAX to see the movie.  I was thinking- okay, this will be a fun movie.  Lots of play and imagination.  While there was a certain element of that, it was a little more serious than I thought.  Alice found herself in a land of death and destruction, yet it was written in a Sacred Scroll that she would be the one who would slay the enemy and redeem Wonderland.  Her days had been planned, and she was prepared for her battle beginning at an early age.  I love how God just shows up everywhere when you're seeking after Him.  I could not get this out of my head.  When Alice is crying and trying to figure out how she will do the impossible- how she will slay an enormous creature that has the potential to crush her with one step- she is reminded that if she holds onto the sword (it was a special sword, but I don't remember the name of it : ), the sword will know what to do.  I know, I know- you're thinking that sounds kind of silly and maybe it does.  But, it reminded me of our sword as Christians.  The sword of the Spirit.  In a constant battle between good and evil, in a destructive land that has no promise for future, we are called to be the warriors who fight on Christ's behalf to heal the land.  We've got to cling to His word.  If we follow it, we will do exactly what He wants.  We may get confused and upset and wonder if we were really created to do whatever challenges we're facing, but if we remember to hang onto our Sword, we have no reason to be afraid.

"Sometimes I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."  At the climax of the film, Alice is battling the Jabberwocky and gets knocked down a few times.  Each time she gets back up, and she reminds herself of the impossible things that have already happened thus far.  Take a look and remember where God brought you from.  When I look, even over the past couple months, I am amazed at how much God has transformed my heart and my mind to be more like His.  Then, I think- that's impossible.  I could have never accomplished that on my own- only He can.  And it gives you hope.  It gives you hope that you can trust His word and battle your trials with that Sword.  Soon, Christians will become victorious by standing firm on these promises.  We will defeat the enemy if we dare the dream impossible things and rely on Jesus to do what only He can do. 

P.S. Go see the movie if you haven't!  As a visual person, I highly recommend it.  Maybe it will give you a new perspective on the battle, like it did for me.  And, if not, it's just silly to look around and see everyone in those humongous 3-D glasses- lol.

Mar 14, 2010

She's in Love

Read these lyrics for "She's in Love" by According to John in a book by Leslie Ludy...not too crazy about the song, but love the idea.

What a beautiful smile, a radiant girl.
Fell in love first time I saw her; she stays on my mind.
I'd give anything to know everything about her.

There's light in her eyes, and I know it's all for Him.
She carries on and on, like He was her best friend.

She's in love, it's not hard to see,
But I would like to believe it was with me.
Someone got a hold of her heart,
And He won't let go,
And I know- she's in love.

She looks to the sky when she talks about Him,
She believes He hung the moon.  Said He had to go away,
She waits for His return, says He's coming for her soon.

How can this be fair?
This guy can walk on water,
Don't guess I've got a prayer,
He's written love letters to reach her.

She worships the ground He walks on,
She just smiles when she says His name.
It's a match made in heaven,
I can't compete with the King of Kings.

(Now that's love : )

Mar 10, 2010

Secondhand Faith

We have all the self-help books we could possibly read.  We have all the collective sermons preached over the years.  We have Christian music, Christian concerts, Christian conferences, Christian retreats, Christian coffee shops.  We have Christian schools and Christian skate parks.  We have it all, as far as Christianity goes.  Or so it seems.

The question that has been burdening me-and I mean really bothering me lately- is this:  Why do Christians today-with more resources available than ever before- feel so hollow, empty, alone, and confused and frustrated with the very faith that's supposed to bring "life abundance"?  Let's face it.  How many Christian people do you run into in a day that make you feel better by being around them?  How often do you see that spark and go, "Wow-there's something different there"? When the world looks at us, do we give them a good reason to want what we have or do we turn them away with actions that contradict our very doctrine?

You would think that with so much knowledge built up, and so many Christians having gone before us, we would have it all figured out by now.  But it seems that our generation of Christians is more dependent on the latest anti-depressant or a good day of shopping to pull them out of a slump.  We would rather entertain ourselves with trash on television than seek God's word for rest and renewal.  Since when did it become so much about us?

When I think about the lives of the twelve disciples, I am amazed at their faith.  You might be thinking- well, they had Jesus with them.  And you're right- but, only for 33 short years.  After that, the Holy Spirit was their helper, and the same Spirit that was in the disciples (yes- those guys who healed the sick, helped the blind see, and essentially revolutionze history) is in US!  We are told in the Bible that God never changes.  That very same Spirit dwells within us.  Would you have guessed by the way we live?

Christians today rely on conferences and books and music to encourage them throughout their day.  I'm not saying that any of this is bad, but when it is more satisfying than Christ Himself, we have surely lost our way.  I haven't read any stories of Paul attending Promise Keepers or Mary going to Women of Faith.  Not to mention, these people only had the Old Testament- they were the ones being inspired to write the New Testament!!  Yet, their faith was the most authentic, impactful, Christ-oriented faith you could find.  They weren't relying on others to reveal what only Christ can.  They weren't looking around, they were looking up. 

Do you realize how much of an impact these people had?  To think that the letters we read in the Bible today were words that came from the very heart of God- delivered through Paul.  These concepts are the framework for our faith.  Paul wasn't interpreting Christ from someone else's point of view.  He wasn't recording something from the latest song released by the choir.  Paul was connected to the very real, very personal and intimate person of Jesus.  We've missed that.  We can look around all we want.  We can pursue every avenue labeled as "Christian" and hope that it will change us for the better, and it might help.  But only Jesus can fuel our fire and keep us going.  Only Christ can be that Encourager- reminding us of His return as we run with every ounce of energy we have towards Him. 

It's time.  Time for this generation to step out of other people's faith and into their own.  It's time for Christians to stop living in the "idea" of Christianity and start living with faith that can move mountains.  The promises in God's word, we have to claim them.  We have to stake our lives on them.  We have to push for change, not compromise.  It's gonna be hard, and the world won't agree, but that means we're doing something right.  I don't want to fit in, because according to God's word, that means I'm not doing something right.  We are supposed to step up and stand out.  Today is the day.  It starts now.  If not now, when?  How many more "tomorrows" will it take for you and me to live, really live as Christ calls us to? 

Mar 5, 2010

All or Nothing

I'm gonna love Him with everything I've got.  With every breath, every word.  Every thought, every dream.  Every moment of time spent on this earth.  I'm gonna love Him with everything I've got.  That's when I'll know Him.  Because God is love.  And love is good.

Mar 3, 2010

Don't Believe In, Believe

Eikon was AWESOME tonight!  I don't even know how to describe how pumped I feel right now.  A 22-year-old guy, Ben, spoke on *drumroll please*..................................................purpose.  I know- you wouldn't have guessed, right?  Seems to be the topic of many of our "conversations" lately.

First thing out of his mouth- What are you doing with your life?  When we are asked that question, we would much rather avoid it at all costs, but it's a question that needs to be answered.  He made an excellent point in saying that life isn't made up of yesterdays or made up of tomorrows, but of todays.  We can't go back, and we can't go forward (nor do we know how much longer we even have here), but we do have today- we have each day that we can live for and really make it count.  But, are we doing it?  He said that his goal this year was to milk every moment out of every day, and at the end of each day be able to say "I made the most.  I did amazing things for God today." 

I hate to just regurgitate what he said, but I also hate to just not, here it goes. 
  • God's promises aren't for window shoppers.  We can believe in God's promises all we want.  We can take a piece of Scripture in the morning and think, "Well that's a pretty promise!  Look how pretty that is."  It's not going to do us any good.  Yeah, maybe as nice house decorations or good FB statuses, but those pretty promises don't mean a thing.  We can't just believe in them, we have to believe them- own them.  When God says He will provide, we have to trust that promise and not worry.  When God says He will restore us, we have to trust that promise and wait for restoration.  The promise is pointless if we don't own up to it.
  • You may have sunk, but at least you walked on water.  This is when he started talking about Matthew 14:22-33, where Peter walks out to Jesus on the water.  I'm sure you know the drill- Peter takes his eyes off of Christ, and he sinks.  But he walked on water.  He walked on water!  We can be living in God's dreams for us, and mess up.  But at least we're living out His dreams.  We can fail a thousand times over, but at least we're getting back up and trying.  It's when we give up on His dreams that we have to be concerned.
  • Don't focus on the size of your waves, but on the size of your God.  Dream big.  It's not about us.  If we could do it on our own, we wouldn't need Jesus.  If we could do it on our own, we would be basking in all our glory, instead of giving Christ the glory He deserves.  Instead of looking around and comparing yourself to others, look to Christ.  When that thought comes in your mind that says, "You'll never be good enough to do that," or "Is that even possible?" remember who you serve.  If you look everywhere but to Christ, you'll sink.  But if you really keep Him as your focus, you'll be doing things that will blow you away!
Of course, during the Q&A session, the whole "life calling" question came up, and once again...answer confirmed : )  Ben said if Christ is your focus and He is truly number one in your life, then His plans become your plans, His dreams- yours.  If you're seeking after Him with everything you've got, then do what you love.  Do what you love!  We're only here for a split second, and we're gone.  We've got to grab hold of the opportunities that lie within our reach.  When you get to heaven, what will you say you've done with your time?  What will I say I've done?  God put these desires in our hearts so that we can pursue what we love and glorify Him.  He wants us to love life and to live it to the fullest.  How will you do that today?

P.S. "It's not my ability, but my response to God's ability that counts." -Corrie Ten Boom

You Never Let Go

Well, these past few days feel like one big wad of emotions that I'm still trying to untangle.  I've experienced the mountain peaks, but not without a few lows (not quite valley style, but not exactly cloud 9 either!).

I always do this.  When I have exams, or a lot of schoolwork all at once, I get super stressed out.  No fail.  Every single time.  And I hate it when I do that.  Not only is it ridiculous because I've been through it before and have learned that God is more than capable of providing the motivation and strength to get through it, but I also feel like I'm setting a bad example.  I think about how both Christians and non-Christians are looking at my life  to see how I react to things.  The very thing I'm "preaching" one day could make no sense the next when I don't live it out.  I hate being hypocritical.

I say that Christ will provide and that He is enough, and that He gives ultimate peace.  And I believe it- with all my heart, I do.  I really do.  But, when things get overwhelming, it's like I just throw that whole concept to the wind and think, "Poor me.  How will I ever get through?  This is next to impossible."  Unbelievers who know me and know what I'm about have to be thinking...if she knows God, why is she so worried?  If she knows God, why is she so impatient today?  Ouch.

Well, right in the midst of my worries and right in the midst of my not-so-Christlike attitude, God decided that He would restore me with His words.  As I've said before, Psalm 139 is one of my favorite Scripture passages, maybe my most favorite, though it's kind of hard to narrow that down- don't ya think?  Anyway, I read through that Scripture with entirely new eyes.  I don't know what it was, but it became fresh all over again.

Have you looked in the mirror lately?  Have you really looked?  No- not at your imperfections, but your "wonderfully complex" self.  I was brushing my teeth after I read this passage, and I looked at my eyes and, those are incredible.  Okay- you probably think I'm a psycho right now, so I want you to a. Find a mirror and b. Check out your eyes.  Seriously.  Go do it.  This blog isn't going anywhere : )  Really look at them and think about how they work.  Think about the way they process information and how light reflects on them so you can see.  I don't know the whole scientific aspect, but I do know that our eyes are just one breathtaking part of our "wonderfully complex" bodies that Christ gave us. 

If it was up to me, we would all be 2-D stick figures walking around looking somewhat similar.  How grateful I am that God took the time to think about what we would look like and how our bodies would function.  Seriously- our brains.  They are insane.  They tell us to breathe without us even consciously thinking about it.  Now that, I'm very grateful for : ). 

So, I was reading this passage and thinking that not only did God take great care in "knitting me" together in my mother's womb, but He also did it for every other person that has ever lived.  Each unique in their own way.  God knit me and you and everyone in the world together! 

I checked out the word "knit" in the dictionary...."to tie or link together; join closely and firmly; to form or create from diverse sources or elements; become closely and intimately united; bind, link, unite."  I never thought of it this way before, but when God was knitting me together, was He also knitting my heart to His?  Were we becoming "closely and intimately united" even in the moments of my creation?  I love to think so.  Don't you just eat up that visual?!

Then I read Isaiah 46:3-4, "Listen to me, descendents of Jacob, all you who remain in Israel.  I have cared for you since you were born.  Yes, I carried you before you were born.  I will be your God throughout your lifetime-until you hair is white with age.  I made you, and I will care for you.  I will carry you along and save you."

Don't know if you got the memo- but God cared, cares, and will care for us.  He carried and will carry us.  Oh, and not to mention, He's busy saving us, too.

I am so thankful for a God who never lets go.  I love that worship song "You Never Let Go."  I let go of His promises at times when I need them the most.  I let go of the words that I proclaimed the day before.  I let go of my Christ-like attitude at times.  But, I know that no matter how far I run or how bad I mess up, He never lets go.  Never lets go of me.  Tough times, easy times.  Dark times, light times.  Never lets go of the plans He made for me.  He sees me and He holds me and He saves me.

Photography Class: Light and Form

Photography Class: Self-Portrait

Photography Class: Creative Blur and Motion Stop

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